
Oakwood, Georgia

In Hall County, Georgia, USA, Oakwood is a city. It is part of the Metropolitan Area of Statistics of Gainesville. The Gainesville Campus and the Wayne Farms University are located in Oakwood. Oakwood was formed in 1903 by the Georgia General Assembly. The town of Oakwood lies southwest of central Hall County, borders the town of Gainesville to the northeast and the town of Flowery Branch to the southwest.

If you’re a tourist, there are a ton of things waiting for you at Oakwood. There is a place called ‘Against the Clock’ where one may escape games and team building activities with their friends and families; this is also a special place for small events and parties. You can enjoy various wineries, a renowned one is the Yonah Mountain Vineyards, it’s the best if you want to be a bit away from town and relax all by yourself with a glass of wine! Near Oakwood is the Lanier Raceplex, a 0.375-mile paved oval racetrack; the Lanier Raceplex will be holding a series of four racing legends, and this July will be karting events. During the 4th break in the middle of the week, the event will be aired live on NBC Sports Gold Track pass.

Oakwood consists of a tremendous park known as the Elachee Nature Science Center. The routes are beautifully labeled and the paths are very highly maintained. It is a great venue for hiking! For the benefit of the people in Oakwood, you can go to their city website and find a map where they show and name the places where free Wi-Fi connectivity is present. This can be useful for anyone in the city in any way, shape, or form!

The city does have an above-average crime rate as compared to other cities in Georgia; however, that is primarily why Oakwood has much more police officers as compared to the Georgia average. In the end, it is still a pretty safe place to live in.

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Oakwood is now 4 138 inhabitants and Georgia's 160th most extensive city. Oakwood's average household income is $65,783, with 19.83 percent poverty. In the last few years, the average rental rates are $1,068 per month and the average dwelling value is $142,800. Considering the statistics, it isn't easy to buy a home in Oakwood. However, if you already do, it will be a pretty bad decision to not maintain it and make it look like a mess; it may look a lot less than what it is worth!

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